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___Defended doctoral thesis___



Kollár, M.: Application of cluster analysis on antenna calibration measurement data (supervisor doc. K. Kováč)



Korenko, B.: Optical fibre sensor with distributed parameters and its applications (supervisor prof. J. Jasenek)



Hlaváč, M.: Optic fibre sensors with distributed parameters on the OTDR basis (supervisor prof. J. Jasenek)

Páleník, T.: Microsensors for measurement of parameters of electromagnetic field (supervisor prof. V. Smieško)

Šoka, M.: Analysis of electromagnetic properties of selected magnetics for electronic applications (supervisor doc. V. Jančárik)



Hallon, J.: Specialty of EMC measurements of large systems (supervisor doc. K. Kováč)

Ušáková, M.: Ferrite powder materials as the filler for magnetocomposites (supervisor doc. A. Grusková)



Grman, J.: Automatization of defectoscopy measurement of a heat-exchanger tubes using eddy-current (supervisor doc. R. Ravas)

Kamenský, M.: Contribution to automatic correction of ADC (supervisor doc. K. Kováč)